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Turning Current Hospitality Trends into Marketing Strategies

Speaking of the experience economy, we found four trends that support the notion of providing higher-value experiences. When paired with marketing strategies, brands can make the experience for their consumers

Customer Service Advantage

While AI offers a clear potential to level the playing field, let’s discuss what hotels can do to make customer service a competitive advantage. It’s common to see and assist

Traveling for Food

Food is important to travel because it is important to people for several reasons. It’s the central aspect of cultural identity for a community. It often carries meaning and is

How To Take a “Work Vacation” 

Trends in business travel show that a primary driver for corporate meetings and events is location; however, many attendees aren’t making the most of their business travel. Here’s how.

Beyond the Plate: Why Branding is the Recipe to a Restaurant’s Success

Restaurant branding helps consumers make decisions about where to eat and helps restaurants to gain the competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.

4½ Ways to Make Your Travel More Adventurous

Being adventurous delivers a greater sense of satisfaction for travelers. Travel and hospitality brand campaigns should be as inspiring as the experiences they offer in the places where they are.